Friday, October 18, 2013

Career Development Class at Cedar Ridge

Durham recruiters conducted a Career Development Class at Cedar Ridge High School Sept. 16, to educate students and teachers about Army Reserve and ROTC benefits for college.

Spring Lake recruiters tandem jump with Golden Knights

Spring Lake recruiters Sgts. 1st Class Moon and Smith, and Staff Sgt. Balbido, jumped in tandem with the Army Golden Knights, Aug. 19, in Laurinburg, N.C.
The three NCOs earned the privilege of jumping with Army’s parachutist team by winning the battalion board.

Cary Center Recruiter Receives Distinguished Honor Grad

Congratulations to Sgt.(P) Timothy Phillips, who was recognized as Distinguished Honor Graduate while attending the Advanced Leaders Course, Aug. 4 through Sept. 24, 2013, at the Signal Regimental Non-Commissioned Officer Academy, Fort Gordon, Ga.
He achieved a GPA of 97.14% and was recognised as the student who encompassed the Army's "Total Soldier Concept."
Sgt. Phillips served as squad leader and platoon sergeant and coordinated a five hour volunteer event that pushed the class over a combined total of 250 volunteer hours.

Kannapolis Recruiters volunteer with Habitat For Humanity

Kannapolis recruiters joined other volunteers of Habitat For Humanity to help build homes for local families in need in Concord, N.C. Sept. 21.

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

We wrapped up  the Friday Night Football after sponsoring six high school football games and educator luncheons across Raleigh, Charlotte and Fayetteville.  Teachers and staff from the six schools received an ESS briefing during lunch and the during the games, recruiters were able to engage students and discuss enlistment options.

To see the full set of photos from the series, go to:

U.S. Army photos by Ron Toland