Friday, September 21, 2012

Winston Salem attends Spirit of America; enlists 46 future Soldiers

Winston Salem Recruiting Company witnessed history come alive through historical reenactments, musical entertainment and precision military drill, when it attended the Spirit of America concert  Sept. 15, in Greensboro, N.C.

During the intermission, 46 future Soldiers stood tall and proud before hundreds of people to conduct the oath of enlistment. Maj. Gen. Michael Linnginton, commanding general, U.S. Army District of Washington, conducted the oath of enlistment and stated that our future Soldiers were some of the most motivated, disciplined future Soldiers that he had ever encountered.
The show accounts historical events taken directly from Soldiers' letters and diaries, providing the story line for this powerful drama, designed to entertain while representing the history and development of the U.S. Army from its origins through the wars, conflicts and missions that have molded the Army and the nation.

Very inspiring event!!

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