Monday, July 6, 2015

Female Enlists as 12-B

Haley Mallard, is sworn in as a 12-Bravo (Combat Engineer),
June 29th, by Capt. Samineo Meyers at Raleigh MEPS.
Story and photo by
Ron Toland
U.S. Army
Raleigh Recruiting Battalion
     Twelve Bravos are not just for male enlistees anymore.
     The Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 12-Bravo (Combat Engineer) is now open to female enlistees as of June 18.
     Haley Mallard, 17, from Vanceboro, N.C. (near New Bern) enlisted in the U.S. Army this week as a 12-B.
     "It's pretty cool," said Mallard. "It feels good to do something great for myself, for others and to serve my country."
     In recent news however, many women are not expected to apply for combat related MOS' now that the gender restrictions on such assignments is lifted.

     "Overall, we find that generally the propensity is low," said Gen. David Perkins, head of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command.
     But, Mallard has countered that disposition.

     Although she is a bit nervous—being a female in a traditionally primarily male dominated field—she believes the opportunity should be open to all genders, and it now is.

     "Women should be able to do the same jobs and have the same opportunities as males," she said.
     Mallard's grandparents also served and because of that, she was always interested in joining the military too.

     However, because of her age, she had to get parental consent, but her parents say this will be good for her and they are proud.
     "It'll broaden her horizons and she'll be more applicable," her father Willard, said. "She's a trailblazer in her field."

     Mother, Belinda, who was also a bit nervous about it all said her daughter will "make the best of it."

     "It's a good step for my future," said Mallard.

     She will ship to Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri,  Sept. 28.

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