Monday, July 27, 2015

Future Soldier Workout

Photos By Shahron James
Story by John Hinton
Winston-Salem Journal  

     A group of 15 brand new soldiers, 10 men and five women, sweated and grimaced Friday as they did push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises as part of the U.S. Army’s Future Soldier event at Bolton Park.  Covered by the Winston-Salem Journal's John Hinton .   

Recruits put through paces at Bolton Park

Staff Sgt. Seth Snyder talks with Future Soldiers

Future Soldiers in formation led by Sgt. Christopher Byrd
Sgt. George Meade counts pushups of a Future Soldier

Private 1st Class Quinton Barren performs pushup during competition

Future Soldiers receive a block of instructions on how to perform situps properly

Sgt. Byrd explains events for the day
Future Soldiers performing warm up

Staff Sgt. Snyder and Sgt. Meade explain pushup competition
1-2-3!!! Future Soldier complete a set of warm up drills

Future Soldier Amber Foster wins competions with 51 pushups, 95 situps; Future soldier Luke Knight wins with 67 pushups, 63 situps. 

One of the top performers for the pushup competition

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