Monday, July 13, 2015

All about that bass--Army Soldier plays bass for outreach initiative

Sgt. Corrin Campbell
Story and Photo by
Shahron James
Raleigh Recruiting Battalion
Public Affairs Specialist

             Meet Sgt. Corrin Campbell.

            Sgt. Campbell is a 10-year, combat veteran, beginning her military career as an active duty bass player in 2005.   As a professional bass player with the Army, she is now part of an even larger creativity, the Army's Music Outreach initiative--a team of Soldiers that travel throughout the United States performing at high schools, music festivals, and professional sporting events in an effort to showcase the diversity of the U. S. Army. 
"I believe music is very potent.  It allows me to touch people I wouldn't ordinarily meet and to do something I love," she said.   The team's most recent performance was in Charlotte, N.C. at the Van's Warped Tour.
Thousands of high-school and college students, young adults and parents poured into Charlotte's PNC Music Pavilion to hear the rocking sounds of their favorite groups, Sgt. Campbell being one of the primary attractions.
     And students love her music.
     Campbell describes her music as 'organic rock' and uses it to attract the 16-24 demographic on the Van's Warped Tour. One major aspect of the music is that it is all original and written by her, which she licenses to the Army for free.
     Campbell says she paid for the studio time out of her own pocket, but that does not seem to phase the bass player.
     "It just made sense to give back to the Army," she said. 
     And the tour manager agrees. 

     "There is no greater opportunity for recruiting than the Van's Warped Tour," said program manager Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Staudacher. 
     "Right now we are at show 14 of 41 for the year and this is best tool to reach the 16-24 demographic," he said.
     "Normally we get about 250-300 interested and qualified people visiting the Army booth, with roughly 50 to 60 requesting to be contacted about joining the Army," he said, Campbell being a big help in obtaining those leads.
     Her band, The Election, includes Staff Sgt. Steve Ebert on guitar and Staff Sgt. Pete Greenberg on drums, displayed their musical and performance abilities, musicianship and commitment to their craft, and performed two songs from her current album, 'What You Wanted' and 'Not for Sale.'
     "My message is a collaboration of finding your way, crushing the naysayers and that if you keep your passion and pursue your dream, the world will make room for you," said Campbell.
     Not only is she a professional bass player for the Army, she is also a student at Full Sail University, majoring in digital marketing.   She plans to continue spreading her message of hope and inspiration once she leaves the military, but, for now, she is using her talents to support the Army's recruiting efforts.   

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